Just Beachie Column

Colorful Art Journaling: An Escape to a Happy, Magical Place
Colorful Art Journaling: An Escape to a Happy, Magical Place This is the story of how I pursued positivity until I found a creative outlet with Colorful Art Journaling. Enjoy the story, have a chuckle, and try out the vegan glue recipe too! It’s been a gas crack of a year—the beginning of the new […]

Flip-Flop Intuition
Flip-Flop Intuition By Beach T. WestonJust Beachie Many of us enjoy an evening walk with our beloved doggies—it’s a time when the chaos of the day has settled—we relax and enjoy the pleasantries of the night. A warm summer breeze helps heighten our senses as we listen to the soothing night music—an orchestra of creatures—each […]

Kindness and Intention
Kindness and Intention by Beach T. WestonJust Beachie (5 minute read) This story begins with a heavenly facial. An indulgence I allow myself on occasion. One of my mottos: Spoil yourself when you can. Give yourself treats—lots of delightful treats! We give our children and pets treats so why not give ourselves a few goodies. […]

Seek Joy. Seek Peace.
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until me make peace with ourselves” ~Buddha~ Seek Joy. Seek Peace. by Beach T. WestonJust Beachie(5 minute read) One of my favorite stories began twenty-five hundred years ago. There are many delightful versions, but for me, I found the following to be the most engaging: […]

Is It Fate Or Is It Destiny?
Is It Fate Or Is It Destiny?by Beach T. WestonJust Beachie Fridays in Hawai’i are always referred to as Aloha Friday—give us any excuse to end the week with the shorebreak at our side, friendship, and Happy Hour. It’s one of the joys of living in paradise (or visiting paradise). It was on one of […]

Feed me Facebook! Feed me! FEED ME NOW!!!
Feed me Facebook! Feed me! FEED ME NOW!By Beach T. WestonJust Beachie Scrolling through my feed, I was dismayed to see an unexpected announcement from my friend: “I’m deeply concerned,” she wrote, “with personal privacy on social media and I might close […]

Great People
Who are the “great people” in your life? What contribution are they making to your life? And what contribution are you making to their lives?…

Seek Wonderment
One of the keys to creating a better year, and a better life is to seek wonderment. Seek people, activities and places that encourage awed admiration. When you are open to astonishment…
Gifts From The Heart
Gifts From The Heart By Beach T. Weston A Christmas gift from Just Beachie Spirituality is precious—especially during the holidays. Being of good spirit isn’t just enjoying a nice glass of champagne. Being of good spirit is the extra love and thoughtfulness that we extend. In Just Beachie’s perfect world, Santa would deliver a sleigh […]