“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
by Beach T. Weston
Just Beachie
Summer 2016
(3 to 5 minute read)
My mother always said, the three most essential qualities a person can possess is kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion. She believed, if you follow your heart, a heart full of the three essentials, your life will be happier—your inner-being will be happier. And whether you are on Earth or passed on to the Great-Spirit-In-The-Sky, an earned peace will be a part of your soul…forever.
I have always tried to follow my mother’s philosophy, and use the three essentials, even during dark moments when I just wanted to jump into the baby-pool-of-anger, and frustration. Having said that, I believe what saved me during challenging times was one of her favorite questions:
Do you have compassion for yourself?
I was very young and not quite sure what she meant. Mom would follow by saying, “don’t worry, some day you will.” And she was right.
To quote Oprah’s beloved phrase, “What I know for sure”, is every day, every moment, it’s vitally important to give ourselves compassion.
How many times have you dismissed your own personal needs? How many times have you denied yourself a little TLC (tender loving care)? How many times have you conceded to your cry for self-compassion—disregarding it as selfish.
Selfish it is NOT.
Self-compassion truly is crucial for a joyful life. A life of feeling good in your own skin. Gifting yourself compassion gives you confidence and a sense of freedom from emotional chains.
The Dalai Lama teaches, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” A trait His Holiness believes can conquer almost anything.
Like the Dalai Lama, mom practiced compassion not only for herself, but others—and planted innumerable Compassion Seeds, sprinkling them amongst people and situations thought only to be barren.
What does compassion mean to you?
Do you sprinkle Compassionate Seeds?
And the best question of all:
Do you have compassion for yourself?
The answers might surprise you. And there is always the chance the answers will reveal an extremely unattractive side, but ignorance is not bliss. Whatever the thoughts, I’m sure it will make for an enlightening discussion.
In Peace, Love, and Compassion
© Beach T. Weston 2016
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